Mingus Union
High School District #4

District Administration

Mingus Union High School District is here to serve you. No matter what your question or need, we know the people who can help. Contact any member of our administration using the information below, or give us a call at (928) 634.8901. We’ll point you in the right direction!

Our Administration

Dr. Melody R. Herne

Dr. Melody R. Herne
P: (928) 634-8640

Bridget Hillman

Bridget Hillman
Administrative Assistant to the Superintendent
P: (928) 478-7943
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Lynn Leonard

Lynn Leonard
Business Manager
P: (928) 634-2941
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Alicia Schaeffer

Alicia Schaeffer
Accounting Technician
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Anjeanette Evans

Anjeanette Evans
Payroll & Benefits Specialist
P: (928) 478-7938
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Ralph Fobair

Ralph Fobair
CTE Director
P: (928) 649-4426
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Dee Belzer

Dee Belzer
AzEds & PowerSchool Coordinator
P: (928) 649-4417
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Mike Earl

Mike Earl
Transportation Supervisor/Lead Mechanic
P: (928) 478-7942
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Gary Allred

Gary Allred
Plant Foreman
P: (928) 649-4380 
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Eunice Bailey

Eunice Bailey
Bookstore Manager
P: (928) 478-7939
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Joshua Fant

Joshua Fant
I.T. Manager
P: Ext. 1470
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Heather Robertson

Heather Robertson
Equipment and Facilities Technician
P: (928) 649-4403
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Christopher Lomeli

Christopher Lomeli
Nutrition Director
P: Ext. 1447
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Sharon Ackerman

Sharon Ackerman
Transportation Coordinator
P: (928) 634-0614
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Mark LaFrance

Mark LaFrance
Grounds Supervisor
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Samantha Shammas

Samantha Shammas
IT Department
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Regina Gee

Regina Gee
Academy Director
P: (928) 649-4446
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